Thursday, December 31, 2009

Stuttering in Children -Helpful tips for parents-Parent Magazine


by Lori Melnitsky, MA CCC-SLP

What is stuttering? What causes it? Although, the exact cause is unknown, there are known environmental factors that contribute to stuttering. Ideally, it is the goal of working with young children who stutter to eliminate disfluencies while involving parents in the process. Stuttering is an interruption of the continuous flow of speech. It can be characterized as prolongations (sssssssssnake), repetitions of words (I I I want milk) or phrases (I want I want milk), frequent use of filler words (uh, um), blocking (silence and struggle before saying a word).

Between the ages of 2 and 5, many children experience stuttering. This is often considered a period of normal disfluencies. Why? One reason is that children are still coordinating their speech patterns and acquiring language during this stage. Will these children outgrow it? The majority will, but there is no way of knowing for sure. This is why consulting a speech/language pathologist at the onset is vital.

Did you know that approximately 1 % of the population stutters? Additionally, 4 out of 5 people who stutter are male. Many times there is a family member who stutters. One known fact is that parents are NOT at fault. Also, stuttering is not a contagious disease. No one will start to stutter if they hear another person stuttering.

What are some of the characteristics of normal developmental disfluencies?

1. The child does not exhibit struggle behaviors (such as kicking his foot) or display awareness of how they sound.
2. Disfluent moments can disappear and then unexpectedly reappear days or months later.
3. The child is not avoiding speaking situations or displaying frustration.
4. Easy repetitions of words and short phrases.

When does stuttering become more of a concern?

1. Children who are at risk usually exhibit struggle behaviors while forcing words out (such as unusual breathing patterns, or facial grimacing).
2. They often avoid feared words or speaking situations. Fear and frustration is often visible.
3. Saying “I don’t know” often in response to obvious questions or changing words. These are forms of avoidance.
4. Using filler words often (like, um, uh).
5. Prolongations of sounds (ssssssssnake). Stuttering might become longer in duration.
6. Change in intonation patterns (rising pitch during the period of stuttering).
7. Blocking on words, such as opening mouth with no audible sound coming out. Disruptions in breathing patterns.
8. Stuttering becomes more frequent.

What do you do if you suspect your child is stuttering?

1. Seek out the help of a speech/language pathologist experienced with stuttering. Often, doctors and family members will say ”Wait, the child will grow out of it”. This is often incorrect and increases tension in the family. Always consult with a SLP for advice. They may monitor the child or provide parents with information to help their child. They might use a direct therapeutic approach with the child or with both the child and parents.
2. Be a good listener--pay close attention to what is being said NOT how it is being said. Look directly into the child’s eyes to show that you are truly listening to the message.
3. Reduce questioning. This will decrease demands placed on the child.
4. Avoid putting the child in the spotlight-ex: “Tell Aunt Sue what you did in school today”. This puts too much pressure on the child.
5. Avoid comments like talk slower. Try and model a slow relaxed natural sounding speech pattern. (This is difficult. SLPs will demonstrate this for you).
6. Delay responding to allow for more pauses and reduce time pressure for the child.
7. Don’t ask the child to repeat the sentence. It will only increase awareness and frustration.
8. Most importantly, don’t panic!!! Although we can’t identify who will eventually stop stuttering, we can give advice to parents on how to talk to a child who stutters and model the appropriate way to respond.
9. Remember it is not your fault. Parents are NOT to blame.

All of these strategies will be easier to follow once you have met with a speech/language pathologist.

There are also more direct therapy approaches available if stuttering persists. For the school aged child who continues to stutter, there is still hope. Although the chances of outgrowing stuttering decrease after age 6, there are strategies available to improve communication and decrease stuttering. Children at this age often become highly aware of being different from their peers. It is important to work with a SLP on not only speech strategies, but ways to handle everyday speaking situations.

Remember parents your words, are like candy to a child. They eat them up. Be kind, patient and loving. Most importantly, consult a speech/language pathologist if you suspect your child is stuttering.

For more information, please contact Lori Melnitsky. Lori is a speech language pathologist (SLP) who stuttered severely as a child and specializes in treating children and adults who stutter in Plainview, NY. She is available for therapy, parent workshops at schools, consultations, and presentations at local universities. She is the chapter leader of the National Stuttering Association Adult and teen chapters on LI and founder of the LI Stuttering Connection. She is in private practice and treats children and adults who stutter as well as other speech and language disorders. Lori can be contacted at 516-776-0184 or via e-mail: (

Happy and Healthy 2010!

May we all judge our self worth not by how much we stutter or are fluent, but by who we really are inside. If you choose improved fluency as a goal, I am here to tell you it is possible. Peace to all!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Continuous phonation-How important is it to fluency?

I am back. I didn't think I would get a chance to write another blog before 2010, but I got up early today and had time.

I was recently reading an article about continuous phonation and linking words together. As many of you know, I am a graduate of the Precision Fluency Shaping program. I teach many of the skills I learned along with cognitive modifications and some stuttering modification tools. It was a wonderful program and I recommend it if you live in Virginia. I would recommend either follow up by a local SLP weekly, practice groups or even me via a webcam. The carryover is the tricky part. I like doing this program on consecutive weekends with older teens and adults in groups of 2, 3 or 4.

Getting back to continuous phonation. Many times when I am working with people who stutter, I will close my eyes as I am linking my words together. I don't do this in real life situations, but in exaggerated practice. Why, because it allows me to feel the vibration on the voiced sounds (ex: vowels,and consonants: b, d, g, j, l, m, n, r, v, w, x, y, z). If you put your hand to your throat and contrast cognates g (guh) and K (kuh), you will feel the guh is voiced and a buzzing will occur as your vocal folds meet. This doesn't happen for kuh (unvoiced sound) so you would have to feel the vibration on the vowel. This is how an easy onset starts. People who are naturally fluent do not break up their words and sentences. The sentences and words flow together. In the early years I was so jealous of this. Such an easy task, but so difficult for people who stutter. Later on , I realized I had to almost examine and dissect fluent speech to change my dysfluent speech patterns and treat others who stutter. When my clients link their words together, they are generally increasingly fluent. Many times this has to start with adequate full breath breathing. If you start to exhale all your air and then talk, stuttering and tension will occur. If you don't take in enough air, words will sound pushed and struggle will occur. This is why people who block in the laryngeal area have silent blocks when air capacity is reduced. I know this is hard to visualize in writing. I will try and make a you tube video tomorrow if my new flip camera comes. Continuous phonation and easy onsets are important and require intense practice. Please e-mail me with any questions. Also, SLPs on LI, please e-mail me if I can provide any inservices to your districts. tks Lori

Monday, December 28, 2009

Stuttering goals and New Years Resolutions-Suggestions for realistic goals

Just recently I was reading an old diary of mine. On almost every page I wrote that I hoped I woke up the next morning and my stuttering would disappear. I wondered if I stayed up all night and prayed if I would wake up fluent the next morning. On New Years Eve, I would write my New Year's resolutions, which included I will find a way to stop stuttering this year so I could be free of the talking jail I lived in. I just wanted to say what I wanted to without struggling. I used to wonder what would that feel like? Would it change my personality? The truth is I was a teenager and my goals were too huge and unrealistic. I needed a speech pathologist who specialized in fluency. I needed to meet other teens who stuttered. (I did find some educated SLPs in my 20's who I will always be grateful to and taught me so much.)

I would like to share with you realistic goals to work on your stuttering. As I have said before, stranger things have happened and you can be free of the stuttering bondage. Here are some realistic goals to set. I am planning on writing goals with my clients as of the first of the year.

1. To find a speech pathologist who specializes in stuttering/fluency therapy.
2. To learn at least two new tools to improve fluency.
3. Learn to breath correctly with the help of a stuttering expert. Start by sitting in a chair and putting your hand on your stomach (below your diaphram). Breathing from your shoulders or while raising your shoulders will cause tension and tension leads to stuttering. Feel your diaphram expand.
4. Try and go into your first word easy.
5. Connect your words together.
6. Join facebook-The Long Island Stuttering Connection to connect with other pws.
7. Seek out a stuttering specialist. Some, like me, offer group therapy.
8. Believe in yourself. Even if you have had prior speech therapy and you felt it wasn't successful. Don't give up. Parents-never ever give up on your child-even if they don't seem motivated. Chances are they haven't found the appropriate person to work with.
9. Accept the fact that you stutter but don't give up on improving fluency. You have no idea how severely I stutttered. There were times I could not get a word out. I am grateful for the support and fluency therapy I have received in my life. I still do at times, but the fear of talking is gone (which I think added years to my life)
10. Post a comment on my blog and let me know how I can help you.
11. If you are a teen and are unsure how to decrease stuttering, have your parents contact me. I have had success with teens who stutter and have a great practice group. We have fun and use tools. (the adults have fun too!!)

Most importantly, my best wishes for a happy and healthy 2010. May the economy recover and we all find improved fluency, communication, confidence,good health and peace in our lives. Please post any questions and/or comments. I love knowing others are reading my blog.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Long Island Stuttering Connection-facebook

Hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing and joyous holiday season. If you are an adult who stutters interested in practicing fluency tools, or a parent of a teen interested or a parent interested in a support group for parents of children who stutter. please join my facebook page, Long Island Stuttering Connection. Also, if you use a device, such as the speech easy or fluency master please join us as well. You are all welcome. This is expanding and please look for meetings and support and practice groups in 2010. Good things are happening on LI for the stuttering community. Thank you to the Stuttering Foundation of America and National Stuttering Association for showing me how important education and support is. As a result of these two wonderful organizations, I am able to go forward with my dream of providing safe meetings for adults and teens to practice fluency tools. I can offer you all visual examples of how to use easy onsets, full breaths, continuous phonaton and empowerment exercises. We can encourage each other and realize the freedom of fluency in a safe environment. (If you stutter, it is ok, it will give us all an opportunity to learn from eachother). I am also hoping to provide everyone with manuals and practice Cd's. This will take financing so I am looking into non-profit status.
I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. To all my clients reading this thank you for allowing me the honor of working with you. To the parents, thank you for trusting me with your children. As 2009 comes to an end, I want to say stuttering is something we do NOT who we are. Believe in yourself and reward yourself for small accomplishments. Be good to yourself. Happy and Healthy New Year to all of you.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonemic Targets)

Hi everyone-
I want to talk about PROMPT therapy tonight. It is not related to stuttering therapy. It is used for children who have oral motor disorders, oral motor dysfunction, apraxia, dyspraxia and articulation errors. It stands for PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonemic Targets. You can read more about it on It is a touch cue approach where each sound is formed by the speech pathologist through shaping the mouth, stabilizing the jaw, and elevating the tongue. I am certifed in this approach and if you have a child who is apraxic, slow to talk, has limited tongue, lip and jaw movement or minimal success with articulation therapy, I highly recommend it. I have seen two year olds who can't speak start to produce vowels and words. I have seen older children with articulation errors make much faster gains. Please call me to discuss further. This is my other passion besides stuttering therapy. Stay warm everyone.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Two Successful Female Speech Pathologists who Stutter Rise to fluency

Over 25 years ago two teens met at a practice group for people who stutter on LI, NY. We were the only two females out of 20 men in a room of people who stutter. I was 18 and Lisa was 19. The goals of these meetings were to practice fluency tools and that was it. Most of these people were graduates of either airflow therapy or precision fluency. At the time, we were airflow graduates. We were scared that we would stutter and not be able to use our tools effectively. Only fluency was acceptable at these meetings. Stuttering was not allowed. Acceptance was not spoken about at that time. We focused at the meetings and were fluent, but the fear of stuttering was a concern. These were successful business men who wanted fluency for promotions. They weren't going to accept blocking and stuttering from us.

Lisa and I were and are very different in many ways. Lisa was blonde, tall, thin and outgoing. I was more average built with curly hair and painfully shy (I am definitely not shy anymore-LOL). I was the covert stutterer who wanted to hide. We exhanged phone numbers not realizing both of us were petrified to use the phone. (which is funny when I think about it now) We tried to call but hung up when anyone else answered. Luckily caller ID was not invented then. Not to sound old, but they didn't even have e-mails. A few weeks went by and we saw eachother at Hofstra University on the unispan (bridge). We realized we were both attending the same college (this had to be fate). Lisa was a speech pathology major and at the time I was an accounting major. We were so different, but so alike in one way-stuttering. Stuttering had devastated us. It ruined our academic lives and dominated how we interacted with others. I still remember Lisa walking up to me with a big smile and asking if I wanted to go to the Rat (campus eatery) to get a cheeseburger. Those were the best words I had ever heard. I felt so alone at the time. I was a freshman and was afraid to speak. Lisa had been enrolled in speech therapy at the Hofstra clinic. I had taken airflow privately but was having difficulty using it outside of the clinic. When we stuttered, we hit it big time. Blocks and silent pauses as well as facial contortions. She offered to take me to the Hofstra Clinic where I eventually enrolled in airflow therapy. It was exciting at first. We did it together, gave presentations and I even got a job on campus answering phones in the admissions office. We were flying, fluent and life was good. One problem, we never really accepted the fact that we would still stutter and when we did, the shame and embarrassment overpowered us. We were too young to handle these emotions. You might ask, what happened? We crashed and our stuttering came back with a vengeance. We lost control and both felt like failures. Our confidence started nose dying and for years after we couldn't seem to get it back. Lisa had to take public speaking to graduate and failed it several times. It was heartbreaking to watch but yet I have never admired someone so much for sticking to it. She was going to be a speech pathologist no matter what. A few years later, after working in accounting, I decided it was time to stop hiding. I went back for my masters in speech pathology as well. I was told by the first grad school by a speech pathologist who is a board recognized fluency specialist I would never be able to communicate to talk to a parent. If it wasn't for Lisa and my family's support, I might have given up. We stuck together like glue. Lisa is like a sister I never had. She supported me and I her. We eventually decided that we stuttered severely and needed an intensive program. Our stuttering was giving us headaches, causing us to hide and physically and mentally exhausting us. I have to admit by this time our parents and families had spent countless thousands on speech therapy by this time but we were not giving up. Insurance usually didn't pay but we had to do it to survive. Looking back even though money was tight, it was the best money spent. After all, we wanted fluency but most of all self esteem and to lead our lives freely. We took a three week intensive fluency shaping course which helped our speech tremendously. We still had some difficulty when we came home, but always had each other to practice with. We went back for refreshers and it was a long journey. Lisa was more open about her speech than me. She brought it up on interviews and with friends and family. I was still living the lie. I was going to act fluent no matter what. It was killing me inside and I would cringe if the word stuttering was mentioned. So was there any hope? Did these two aspiring speech pathologists make it? Yes, and we soared!!!

I will skip to almost thirty years later. We are now two successful speech pathologists both specializing in fluency disorders. We have walked the walked and talked the talk. We both have wonderful husbands, two beautiful children and two cute dogs, Parker Fudge and Buddie Wallace. We are both fairly fluent but accept that we will probably always stutter. We have talked about it with our children and their friends. We have only heard positive feedback and support. We still use our easy onsets, continuous phonation, pullouts and correct breathing to communicate. We always thought stuttering was the worst thing in our lives when we were younger until we both went through some hard times. Lisa lost her mother and most recently her sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I went through the loss of my husband's job and suffered great stress. It is interesting to note that stuttering no longer is the most important concern in our lives. We both call doctors for our kids when we have to, speak to teachers, speak to parents daily and no longer let stuttering rule our lives. I give presentations and workshops to spread the word about stuttering therapy. I provide individual and group therapy as well. We are stronger for what we have been through and still the best of friends. This blog is dedicated to my dear friend Lisa and her sister, Helene, who is battling ovarian cancer with courage and grace.

Remember, Stuttering does NOT have to rule you. Do not give up. Keep seeking speech therapy. You can accept the fact that you stutter and still be more fluent!! Always reach for the stars and no less. Please contact me if you want to talk more. Have a great night and if you are on the east coast, be careful driving in the snow. Thank you Pam for encouraging me to write this post.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Two teen testimonials of teens who stutter

I would like to share two stories of two teens, one a male (age 14), the other a female (age 17). These two teenagers are very different but share stuttering in common and the pain that often accompanies it. They both came to me with low self esteem due to the fears of stuttering and being perceived as different. I asked the first teen whom I will call Robert to write a blurb how speech therapy has helped him. I remember Robert having a difficult time expressing himself last Feb. As the months went by, I saw a young man come out of his shell. He started to accept the fact that he stuttered, but wanted to improve. He was and is motivated to this day. If he had difficulty with the "B" sound, he would go home and practice that sound all week. When he was afraid to answer the phone, he pushed himself to answer it anyway until the fear subsided. He never stopped practicing with his friends and family. This is what he wrote (12/09):

"When I started speech therapy last February of 2009, I was a moderate stutterer. Before I started speech therapy, I felt really different compared to other people because of the way I talked. But after a few months, I got new tools to control my stuttering. I started seeing results immediately and have been improving ever since. It's not fun to see people giving you a strange face like you have two heads or have people talking about you. I started seeing that in school and it actually made my stuttering worse. But with these tools, I have been able to speak more fluently and raise my confidence. I don't know where I would be without speech therapy."

The next story is about a young woman who will be attending college next year. I am going to post her college essay on my website soon so stay posted. It is called Speechless and it is a gem worth reading. This is what she wrote in my holiday card:

" Thank you so much for helping with my speech for the past 3 months. That's pretty much a Hanukah gift in itself. You've made me much more comfortable in any type of speech situation and have really made me comfortable in my own skin also. You're an amazing teacher and I couldn't have asked for anyone better. Thanks again and I'll be looking forward to another great year of speech class with you."

Amy and her parents are very proud of her accomplishments as I am of her. She just got a job which involves answering phones and practices her fluency tools. She is a wonderful communicator and I know she will have a successful fashion career ahead of her.

I hope these stories give hope to all who stutter, especially teens and their families. Both were realistic in their goals. They weren't looking for perfect fluency and knew they had to keep practicing. They were on a journey and still are. They role played situation after situation until they were able to speak in front of others and on the phone. Everyone who stutters knows the look Robert talked about above. The look when someone who stutters opens their mouth and the words won't come out. Facing the looks of the listener's bewilderment, silent inquiry as to what possibly could be wrong with this person and confusion is devastating. These teens went one step further and educated their listener and the world on what stuttering is. It is a communication disorder, but it doesn't define us. I say more power to them and I applaud their efforts. Happy and Healthy Holiday to all. Thank you for reading and I welcome your comments. Peace to all in the coming year. Lori

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Teens and Stuttering

Happy Chanukah to all my friends who celebrate Chanukah. May the lights of the chanukah menorah shine brightly in your lives.

Thank you for all the beautuful notes from my teens who wrote how their fluency improved as well as their self esteem. What a wonderful holiday gift to not let stuttering control you and to be able to talk to your friends and in class! So wonderful to hear.

Also, looking to start a Suffolk County practice group for teens and adults who stutter. Please contact me. tks Lori

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Covert Stuttering

I want to recommned a terrific, insightful and honest blog started by a woman named Pam Mertz, whom I first met a National Stuttering Association conference a few years back. She started a blog on covert stuttering ( and a yahoo group) that has taught me so much about covert stuttering. Although I stuttered too severely early on to be called a covert person who stutters, I was always trying to deny the fact that I stuttered. It was only when I became truly honest with my self that I was able to accept myself and use fluency tools. Hence, my fluency dramatically improved as did my self acceptance.

Read it, you will be hooked:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Self Esteem and stuttering

What is self esteem? I read this from the link: -under "What is Self-Esteem?" (The Story of Self-Esteem). It says "Self-Esteem isn't bragging about how great you are. It's more like quietly knowing that you're worth a lot (priceless, in fact). It's not about thinking you're perfect-because nobody is-but knowing that you're worthy of being loved and accepted."
I like this definition. It's what I work on besides fluency therapy. No, I am not a psychologist, but I have taken courses in cognitive psychology and feel it is a vital piece in fluency therapy. I don't believe kids or teens (or adults for that matter) can really improve their fluency without a great deal of self esteem. What do you think?

Stuttering was difficult for me when I was young. I didn't feel what I had to say was important. Why? I don't know. I have a father who praised me constantly. My fluency finally improved as an adult when I thought I was worthy to take my time to use tools and be listened to. How wonderful for me as a speech pathologist to hear from parents that they went to their child's parent teacher conferences and the teacher told them their child volunmeers in class to speak out loud, not allowing stuttering to stop them. How great it is to hear they have been talking more fluently outside the clinic room while exhibiting wonderful self esteem. So proud of all these kids and teens I work with and everyone else who stutters for having courage to believe in yourself and follow your dreams.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Long Island Stuttering Connection-Teen practice group

We had a great practice group last week for teens who stutter ranging in age from 10 to 17. We practiced introductions, public speaking skills and spend time getting to know one another. It was led by Lori Melnitsky, a speech pathologist who overcame a severe stuttering disorder. We are looking forward to having it again soon. Teens practiced easy onsets, breathing, connecting words together while offering encouragement and support. Of course we ate munchkins as well.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Stuttering Therapy-teletherapy

I am responding to the three calls I got this week from out of the country for fluency therapy for stuttering. I have a structured program that I run for people who can not come in for therapy. Please contact me at

Six year old student who stutters on LI-Lidcombe program

I started treating a six year old boy several months ago for speech therapy. He stutters and had tried other therapies since age 3 with little success. Interestingly, his mother had been told that once her son reached age 6, the emotional impact of stuttering would begin. Her question was, Is the age of 6 too late to improve fluency and reduce the negative impact? My answer was absolutely not. We have done a modified Lidcombe Program and this child is doing beautifully. He responds to positive praise and his fluency has increased as well as his ability to establsh eye contact. He is starting to self correct and is speaking with increased confidence. His mom loves the parent involvement piece and emphasis on learning in a fun way. Has anyone else had success with a Lidcombe approach at the age of 6? I highly recommend it and am glad the mom pursued it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Long Island Stuttering Story-Preschooler age 4-Lidcombe

Today I discharged a 4 year old boy from CPSE for stuttering. We followed the Lidcombe method for early childhood stuttering. It took 18 weeks and he is no longer stuttering. Parents were very involved and this program yielded great success. This child started out with whole word repetitions, part word repetitions, and avoiding eye contact. We worked on verbal praise and self correction. I highly recommend researching this program. I accept private pay and CPSE for early childhood stuttering.

Monday, November 16, 2009

To the parent of a child who stutters-

How difficult is it to watch your child struggle? It is tough. However, I have found over the many years of working with people who stutter, if you really sit back and listen to the content of what people say, you almost forget about the stuttering. Isn't it interesting that once a child feels more comfortable speaking, his or her fluency usually increases as does his or her ability to use their tools? What can parents do?

1. Let their child know they are accepted no matter what they say.
2. Establish eye contact.
3. Realize the best gift you can give your child is unconditional acceptance and love.
4. Remember all the wonderful qualities your child has.
5. Give them speech therapy.
6. Be patient with progress.
7. Surround your child with others who stutter so they don't feel alone.
8. Help them practice.
9. Hug them daily.
10.Praise them often.

Marital bliss-

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Marital bliss-Does it make a difference in stuttering recovery?

Tonight I spent the evening with my parents and brother and sister n law. My father stuttered severely as a child and up until age 40 or so. I was talking to my father as my mother was involved in an intense conversation with my sister n law. I was talking to my father about a stuttering issue as I can only talk to another person who stutters. He all of a sudden inquired of my mother if his stuttering bothered her when they were dating ( he was 16, she was 14). She hesitated for a moment and said she didn't really remember. She then stated that it might of but she probably liked the fact that he let her talk. My mom is a talker. My dad become a talker in the last 15 years or so. She stated she was so happy for him that he could say what he wanted now. I was thinking that my dad never received fluency therapy. He never talked about stuttering when he was young nor did his family. His parents were immigrants. He is a pharmacist and stuttering did not impact his career or family decisions. Why not? What makes him different than others? I welcome others feedback as to why some are so affected by stuttering and others not. BTW-My parents are married over 49 years.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stuttering Therapy on Long Island and Glee

Just curious what everyone thought of the glee episode where the girl pretended to stutter because she was shy and didn't want to make a speech in school? I would have preferred the show didn't use stuttering in this situation. I don't think it provided the public with stuttering education and knowledge. I welcome your opinions.

Also, there is a teen practice group next week. Hope all can attend. I am going to share a wonderful story of a teen who stutters entering college soon. A wonderful, inspiring story.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Long Island Stuttering -teens/Adult groups

So far four adults are willing to sign up for the adult practice groups. If you have taken prior speech therapy please call me and I will welcome you. Please e-mail me at or call 516-776-0184.

Just a tip-use easy onsets on vowels especially. Sometimes just a slight modification helps.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A 14 year old who stutters on Long Island-great strides towards fluency

I would like to share with you a great story of a wonderful 14 year old boy I work with. He gave me permission to share this. I don't want to use his real name so I will call him Dan. Dan started coming to therapy in Feb of 2009. He started stuttering at age 7 (later in life than most). His confidence was down, his eye contact not great and hesistant to talk. His stuttering was classified as moderate and he had many fears about talking in general. Dan is a very easy going, bright, handsome and athletic young man who was obvioulsy affected greatly by his stuttering. We started practicing breathing, connecting words and easy onsets. We also developed a hierarchy of feared situations. Dan did his homework daily, even though he was heavily involved in sports. He was very motivated and I am pleased to hear a high level of fluency with him. More importantly, I have seen a total transformation of confidence. Dan now answers phones, orders for himself, and talks freely with friends and family. He looks both myself and family straight in the eye when talking. We are still working on public speaking situations, which I explained are hard for everyone. He will get there. He has attended support and practice groups and talks openly about stuttering. Dan is a great role model and I am proud of him for all his hard work.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Speech Therapy on Long Island and Stuttering

How great it is to see kids and adults improve their fluency? It is so important to breathe properly and connect your words. Have you ever used a stopwatch to slow your speech down. It helps. Have you ever followed a strict schedule of practice? It helps. Have you ever had a speech therapist who stutters? It helps. Have you ever met others who stutter? It helps. Have you ever felt fluency without feeling guilty if you stutter? You can!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Can fluency sound natural with fluency shaping tools?

Sure, but maybe not at first and depending upon the severity of your stuttering. It is best to practice slow, exaggerated speech to FEEL the vibrations in your throat. I can't empahsize FEEL enough. "Turning on" a contrived way of speaking will not work, but feeling the whole system together will. I love that feeling of vibration in my throat and it keeps me fluent. It takes hours and hours of practice, but it works for me and many clients I treat.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can stuttering be cured?










Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy International Stuttering Awareness Day-Oct. 22, 2009

On this day, I want to thank all my clients who open up to me and trust me enough to allow me to help them with their journey towards improving fluency and communication skills.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Insurance-please share? Stuttering

There is information on the Stuttering Foundation of America ( regarding insurance. Can any parents or people who stutter share any success stories dealing with insurance coverage??

It is frustrating for parents and patients when they are told it is not covered. Any encouraging words out there????

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

International Stuttering Awareness Day-Oct. 22, 2009

FREE initial consultations for the month of Oct for children, teens and adults who stutter in honor of International Stuttering Awareness Day. Please also check out, for additional information.

Have you ever pushed a word out so hard you felt like you could pass out? I often wonder why people who stutter do this. Today I exercised for the first time in a while. I walked two miles with a friend. I really had to push myself. Yet, people who stutter push, run out of breath and then keep pushing.

It is so wonderful to not have to push words out but the tendency is still there after all these years. Hopefully the tendency will be there to push myself to exercise. Interesting how life is.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Adult stuttering Intensive Nov. 8th

Adult Stuttering Fluency Intensive Sunday Nov. 8th 6:30 to 8:30
Contact for more information.

Love Happens-A movie with Jennifer Anniston

Last night my husband and I saw "Love Happens". It is about a man whose wife dies in a car crash with him at the wheel. He then writes a book about how to deal with death. The only problem is that he doesn't follow his own advice. He doesn't deal with his own loss. I won't spoil the ending and tell you what happens.

What I love about what I do (not to toot my own horn) is that I practice what I preach. I have gone down the path and in some ways my first client was my self.

I feel I can only be at my best when a child who stutters sits in front of me with the sadness in his eyes that only a person who stutters knows. A voice reaching from within to get out. Frustration at not being able to say what they want.

Again it is so important to build self esteem, practice in baby steps at the same time constantly encouraging responsibility, honestly and pride. It was interesting how the man in the movie really seem to care about others, but the denial was burning him up inside. Only when he learned to be honest with his feelings did he start to heal. The same with stuttering. Although fluency tools are encouraged, you also need the ability to face your fears and conquer the obstacles. Then and only then you will lead to recovery.

Do we push or let it fall? Stuttering?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Don't attempt fluency transfer unless we agree!!!

Earlier today I had a wonderful conversation with my 11 year old daughter. Leah has been very verbal since age two and has always appeared older than she is, which made it difficult in elem. school. I have mentioned before that when Leah was young, she had reading difficulties. In first grade she was pulled out for reading. Many of the kids were receiving services at that young age so there really wasn't an obvious stigma attached. It took me months to get her help because she was only slightly below average in their eyes, however, I knew she was struggling and her self esteem would eventually suffer. She was quickly discharged after a few months and the following year they determined she still had difficulty reading at grade level. At this point only a few kids were being pulled for extra help and Leah knew it. It reminded me when I used to get pulled out of class for speech therapy. I wanted to hide. She also had a teacher who insisted she had to read out loud. I don't have to tell any of you how her confidence suffered. In fact, it suffered so much so that they felt she might have a learning disability. Fortunately, my husband and I knew what was happening to her confidence and how much it was impacting her academic performance. We struggled to get her private reading help, which was financially difficult because my husband had been laid off at the time. We found a wonderful reading teacher who encouraged and helped her. The following year, Leah had a wonderful, fabulous teacher in 3rd grade who was able to see her for who she really was. Leah no longer required reading help, excelled, wanted to raise her hand and read out loud. This same child who seemed so halted by how she was being perceived all of sudden ran for class vice president and won. She is now in sixth grade and is an advanced reader. I am so proud of her for working hard and never giving up. She also taught me how important it is to encourage everyone I work with and the effect it has on their success.

So, why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because the same thing happens with kids and adults who stutter. They often don't receive enough encouragement, support and success to improve fluency. It takes hard work to do this as it took hard work for Leah to become a better reader. It didn't happen overnight. It took years and constant encouragement. Becoming fluent in a therapy room is a fairly simple. As Pam commented, it is being out in the real world when you have to deal with time constraints, educating others about stuttering, and coordinating all the components needed to communicate effectively. BUT I am telling you it can be done if this is what you choose. The younger one is, the easier it is,to at least change the thought process and not be ashamed of stuttering. Remember, we all excel with encouragement, praise and success behind us. It is human nature!

ok, how come everyone is telling me they don't know how to post? Please help me so I can help you. Isn't there a post option??

Focus and Stuttering

Last night I went out with 17 sorority sisters from my alumni Hofstra University. I hadn't seen many of them for 24 years. Long time. I was a little anxious because I find large crowds more difficult to talk in. I had a great time but noticed myself stuttering and blocking more than usual. I don't think it helped that I had diet cokes with caffeine (I find caffeine makes my stutttering worse). About half way through the dinner I excused myself and went to the ladies room. I stood in the hall for a few seconds and practiced some full breath breathing. I tried to envision the situation in my mind and how I would use easy onsets. Interestingly, I hadn't seen many of these friends in the last ten years when I have achieved a higher level of fluency and confidence with stuttering. I had to remind myself that I had the controls. I wasn't embarrassed about stuttering, but felt I wasn't saying what I wanted. I went back to the table and really focused. My speech became more controlled. I paused more and initiated conversation. What did I learn from this? I still stutter and have the potential to stutter with struggle. I have to focus on my tools, not be ashamed of stuttering and continue to practice. I woke up this morning and knew I would be in a similar situation today at the autism walk (great fundraiser). This time I practiced more in the morning and felt much more controlled. This is a good lesson for all of us. We still stutter, but should never give up. Would love to hear more success stories. tks for reading. Bye for now.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fluency Coaches

Atttention all school aged children 9 and older and teens who stutter. We are now starting fluency coaches. This is where a child or teen who has been in speech therapy with me for 4 months or more becomes a mentor to another child starting out. It will help with fluency practice, confidence in speaking in general and support. We will be assigning our first coaches this week. Look forward to having more teens and children who stutter join this program. Please post a comment if you have any thoughts or questions on stuttering in general.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The hardest thing about being a parent is.............

The hardest thing about being a parent is letting your children find their own way. I wrote a previous post on an interesting stuttering situation with a teen. My 15 year old daughter, who does not stutter, has been working so hard in school. She is a bright girl and I am proud of her, but as a mother can't help worrying about her lack of sleep and constant studying. I know many parents reading this are laughing saying how can you worry about a child studying too much??? I guess I don't want to see her stressed out at a young age. I know she will do well but want her to enjoy the social parts of life too. So I have had to back off and let her be. Not easy. It is the same when you provide speech therapy for your child and you think they aren't trying hard to be fluent. Sometimes you have to back off and let them find their way. Start by asking them what they want out of speech therapy? How does stuttering impact them? How do THEY feel when they have practiced for hours and the tools don't seem to be effective? Maybe reflect, oh that must be so frustrating for you. How can I help? Do you want to write this down and talk to your speech therapist about this? Then once you do this you can talk about how to improve the situation. I don't know all the answers about parenting, but I know PWS need encouragement, follow up, understanding, practice and support.

*****Also, there is an interesting blog post on Sept. 24 by Pam Mertz, a covert PWS. Check it out.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Teens and Stuttering

I would like to share an interesting story about a teenage boy I was working with today. He has worked very hard to improving his speech and fluency. He also has a great attitude and knows that stuttering does not define who he is. He told me today that the less he is pressured from family about using fluency tools, the more he uses them on his own. As a result, he is talking more in school, is more fluent and is making more friends. This was a profound statement and difficult when explaining to parents why teenagers, have to take responsibility for their own speech and practice. It is so difficult as parents to watch our children struggle and find their own way in life. It takes courage to back off and let them make mistakes until they find the way to contentment.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lori's you tube video

I haven't figured out how to link my you tube video to my website, but if you google Lori Melnitsky on you tube, it will come up. If anyone knows how to link it to my website, please let me know. Thanks for all who came to the Tilles center to see me being honored. It was a huge honor and to be surrounded by other successful women with such amazing stories was an experience I will never forget.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Fortune 52 honor-Please seek help for your children

Practice groups are coming. Tonight I was honored by the Long Island Press at the Tilles Center. It was a big honor and I can't thank Steven Kaufman enough for nominating me. If anyone would have told me I would be honored when I was younger and suffering from severe stuttering, I would have gotten very angry. I never thought I would be able to answer a phone, let alone be honored. Please bring your kids for speech therapy and remember they don't have to struggle. Let me help them try and improve fluency and communication. Here is the link for those of you who haven't read the interview yet.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Back to school

Please contact me for fluency practice group times for school aged children and teens. Some prior therapy needed but that can be discussed to meet your child's needs.

Check out Pam Mertz's blog on covert stuttering. I have learned alot from it as I am not a covert PWS but many of my clients are.

Stuttering Conference Online 2009

I highly recommend the International Stuttering Awareness Online Conference

It can also be accessed through

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

e-mail issues

Having some e-mail issues. You can also e-mail me at

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fortune 52 Nomination LI Press

Sorry I haven't finished the speech therapy advice. I got very sidetracked with school starting.
*******************************Big News******************

I was nominated for a wonderful award. To read more, please read:

I never thought when I was young and severely stuttering I would be nominated for an award like this. tk you for everything.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Day 2
Can you feel your diaghram expand? This takes lots and lots of practice. It is hard to feel. Don't get discouraged. It will get easier. I want you to keep doing it throughout the day. Try this sitting in a chair, standing up, or lying on the floor. Imagine a balloon expanding in you. Do it at work, on the subway, at home and as often as you can. Just not in speaking situations yet. You are not ready. Tune in tommorrow for more. If your are breathing with your shoulders raised, then this will produce tension. Breathe like you are inhaling through a long tube below your lungs.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Day one tune ups:

1. Practice complete breath target twenty minutes. Formally feel the diaphram expand. Practice throughout the day. 4 important steps to follow:

1. Let out residual air.
2. Take in slow relaxed deep brath.
3. Slowly let out air.
4. start process over.

This is vital for fluency. Tune in tomorrow.

You can become increasingly fluent with hard work and intensive therapy. I did it. YOu can too

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Intensive fluency Programs-Do they work?

ok-it's Sunday and I have time to write-so hear goes.

Let me give you some important background on me. I BELIEVE in intensive fluency for teens and adults, even though I fell on my face the first few times I did it and paid thousands of dollars. I don't recommend it for all the clients I see. I customize for each one. Having said this-why do I believe so strongly in it?

I believe especially for moderate to severe people who stutter, it is important to feel fluency fast and with support. The reason why I failed is because the first few programs I took didn't deal with emotions, fears and shame I had being a person who stutters. So for example, I came home almost 99% fluent, but had never raised my hand in school ( I was in college then). So I tried to talk in class. After all, I had the tools. So I raised my hand, and my fear shot to my larynx. I blocked. Ok, so in my mind, I failed. After all I had just taken this three week course and was told I should be fluent. Unfortunately, the negative experiences started to build again. I had one friend who stuttered who took the course with me. She is a SLP too. We both started having the same experiences and both crashed. How could this be. We are both bright, driven and ambitious people. Did we miss something? We reviewed all the mechanics and still were going downhill. To make a long story short, it took us about 15 years of going back and doing refreshers with various SLPs until we found a few who realized the power of uncovering layers of fear, guilt and shame. As a result, I think I know how to teach effective fluency skills with great results. What does that mean? It means that fluency strategies can only be taught with committment, hard work, sacrifices and support. One must practice often and daily, read what I have read myself and recommend on overcoming fear and increasing self esteem, talk to other people who stutter almost daily and never ever give up. I will provide you with support. I can promise you that! I can also tell you, your stuttering will decrease. How much? That will depend on how much you follow the program and how much you are willing to sacrifice to achieve fluency. I just figured out how to use YOU Tube-so watch for my clip. It can be done. I did it!! I did it the hard way, I hope I can help you do it with less frustration and increased satisfaction. tks again for taking the time to read thi

Stuttering-Basic facts and Review for Parents of children who stutter

Hi everyone-
Again, I am so pleased to be getting more people interested in my blog. Just a few reminders for parents of children who stutter.

1. Most important, Parents are not to blame for their child stuttering. The exact cause is unknown, although, there are several environmental factors listed below that often help decrease stuttering.
2. Don't interrupt or say take a deep breath and slow down.-this will often increase stuttering.
3. Try and slow down your rate of speech (not the child's rate of speech). The best way to do this is pause often.
4. Try to not ask too many questions-for ex: instead of saying "What did you do in school?", say casually I wonder if you went outside today. This will give the child a chance to answer on their own.
5. Also, remember more boys than girls stutter. (3 to 1 ratio)
6. Stuttering often runs in families.
8. If as a parent you find yourself frustrated with your child, it is best to walk away and write your feelings down in a journal. It is important for the child to not see this frustration on your face. Just like it is not your fault that they stutter, it is not the child's fault either. We don't want them feeling ashamed at a young age or any age for that matter. People who do stutter throughout their lives often live full and productive lives. After all, I do and I stutter. Please e-mail me with any questions. Remember additional information can be found on my website,,
You can also e-mail directly at

Hope this helps!! Best, Lori

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Teen stuttering -effective fluency programs available

We had our teen meeting last night and it was a great success. We had a great time playing stuttering jeopardy. I am proud to say that my clients won!! Yeah!! (not that I am competitive at all-LOL).

Parents often ask me why children and teens can't get stuttering therapy in the schools. I agree that they should but truth be told even if they were approved, they would be seen in a group with a variety of disorders. Caseloads in the schools are getting larger with more involved children needing help. Just like it is often necessary to hire a tutor, it is also necessary to seek a speech pathologist specializing in fluency therapy.

I have designed a program to be done in an intensive manner with monthly follow up. I have seen wonderful results with increased fluency. It involves alot of practice, but the skills I teach combined with confidence strategies to conquer public speaking and phone fears, to name a few, are highly effective. They are skills I wish I had when I was in high school. I went through school fearing stuttering and never raising my hand. I don't want anyone to suffer the same fealings of shame and isolation.

i would love to hear from any parents or school SLPs if they have had success getting therapy in the schools and if it was able to be done on an individuals basis. tks for reading. If you are teen, please e-mail me and come to our National Stuttering Association teen meetings. Also, please join the NSA ( It is non-profit and a great organization.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Keep coming back-it will eventually be effective

I wanted to follow up on a previous comment I received from Rob. It is true that the first time you try fluency therapy (and I recommend intensive therapy especially for moderate to severe people who stutter), it might be difficult to use. I can tell you from experience that if you keep going back to try and improve. you will become more fluent!

Advice needed-please!!

If you have been reading my blog, I think I have an interesting story to tell. I would like to contact a local reporter and have them write a story about me. For some of you who are new-I stuttered severely when I was young and am recovering from stuttering. Stuttering no longer stops me and I became a speech pathologist. I did suffer discrimination when I was young. I specialize in stuttering and need help spreading the word that help is available and effective for people who stutter. Any help would be appreciated. Tks

Monday, July 13, 2009

Don't Stop therapy too soon!!!!

Recently, I have had the great pleasure of seeing many of my patients display surges in fluency. How wonderful, but BEWARE! Many people stop therapy as soon as fluency sets in. This is dangerous!! Don't be fooled by fluency. As your confidence rises, often fluency will too. My job is to help you realize that you have fluency with control. My advice-stick to it and continue therapy. Slowly wean off into a maintance stage. Remember I am always here for you for encouragment and support.

Monday, July 6, 2009

National Stuttering Association Convention starts Thursday July 10

As the NSA convention begins on Thursday, I want to wish everyone presenting the best of luck. I am not able to make it this year, but will miss everyone. I hope to attend in 2010. Remember if you stutter, you are not alone!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lidcombe and Preschool Stuttering: Don't wait-Early Intervention is vital!

I would like to share with all of you a wonderful e-mail I received a few months ago from a parent of a beautiful and sweet young girl who stuttered at the age of 4 1/2. She is presently 6 and is stutter free!

(Please note: This was written by a parent for my blog for other parents to read. Also, I did not only use Lidcombe with this child. It was a modified approach as it was important to use other tools as well. This is why I developed the PACE approach with incorporates aspects of Lidcombe and other tools as needed for each child.)

My daughter was 4 and 1/2 when she started stuttering. It happened overnight. She not only possessed the verbal characteristics but physical (secondary behaviors) as well. Her mouth would be wide open and she would struggle with all her might to speak. She'd bend at the waist as if it would help her get the words out. Many times, she'd stop and say: "I'm tired, forget it." As a parent, it was heartbreaking, horrific, and shocking.

Thank God we were referred to Lori Melnitsky and decided to pursue the path of seeking a speech pathologist who SPECIALIZES in stuttering. I can't even comprehend where my daughter would be if we had gone to someone who didn't have Lori's expertise in this area. She is one of the most compassionate and empathetic people I know.

Lidcombe, to me, is a miracle. My daughter does NOT stutter anymore. I truly believe that it is because of the intense therapy she had utilizing and applying the Lidcombe method, in session with Lori and in our household. Lidcombe had to be learned by my daughter, my husband, and myself. Lori was patient but strict when it came to our commitment to helping our daughter overcome this. I am grateful for her guidance. It was a reality check. We weren't just dropping her off and leaving her in Lori's hands for an hour. This was something that had to be constantly addressed and applied. It was hard at first (who likes change?) but then easier because it became a part of everyday life.

I am confident that one of the reasons Lidcombe is such a successful therapy for young children is because it is simple in concept and the children are sponges at such young ages. My daughter is your typical 6 year old...she can't stop talking. But sometimes she bottlenecks her thoughts to her voice. And, it's crazy, but I see the Lidcombe therapy come into play. She slows down ("turtle talk", if you will) and collects her thoughts. It's amazing but NOT apparent to anyone around her (but me, of course). In fact, it's a shame that EVERYONE couldn't be taught Lidcombe at a young age, regardless of what challenges they have.

This is all opinion, I know. But my "ahhh moment" was when the elementary school speech therapist called me the second week of kindergarten. (My daughter was no longer eligible for speech services but considering the past year of being under Lori's care, the speech therapist was required to observe my daughter and update me accordingly. ) The speech therapist advised me that she and Lila's teacher could not believe that she had been treated for stuttering!! ! In fact, Lila's teacher said that she forgot that Lila came in as a child who had a recent IEP. I couldn't believe it! Lila's kindergarten teacher was in my CPSE meeting to get summer services approved just a couple of months before. (We did get summer services, by the way).

So, that's my experience. I know I've been long-winded but I'm just so grateful that Lori showed us how effective the therapy can be....if we were 100% a part of it.

The Road Less Travelled

One of my favorite books is The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck. It is a great book for personal fulfillment and self growth as well as highly recommended reading. Let me know your thoughts on this or any other self help book you feel is worth recommending.

I also have always loved the title. I definitely took the road less travelled in my professional life. After being an accountant for five years and not feeling satisfied, I went back to school for my masters in speech pathology. How strange was that? I stuttered severely and couldn't even say my own name. I had been through speech therapy with fluency only lasting a few days. I hadn't even heard of the concept of acceptance at that time and was always hiding my stuttering. The word "stutter" would bring chills to my spine. I was petrifed about sounding different. However, I had a strong drive to help people and had witnessed my father work as a pharmacist despite his stuttering. I also have a wonderful friend who stutters who was completing her speech degree at that time. I have and continue to admire her courage as she failed public speaking twice due to her stuttering and never gave up. She is a speech pathologist today and continues to be my dear friend and someone I admire for her strength and courage.

I thought I would talk about acceptance and then recovery. I never know the right words to use. Is it recovery from stuttering? Is it overcoming stuttering? Not sure, but the important thing is the outcome. My stuttering was always like spinning a roulette wheel. You never knew what would come out. I would go through somewhat fluent periods and then it would come back full force. I didn't like the lack of control. My stuttering pattern changed often and I was truthfully exhausted thinking about it all the time. About 5 years ago, I started to feel like a failure. No one could understand why. After all, at that time, I was a speech pathologist for over 10 years, had two beautiful daughters and a supportive husband. However, I still was switching words, petrified of public speaking and embarrassed by my stuttering. So, slowly I decided to "come out" and not hide anymore. There was the acceptance piece but then I decided to strive towards "recovery" because I was still stuttering alot and felt so much tension in my larnyx. By that time, I had years of fluency shaping therapy behind me but little involving the cogntive aspects of stuttering. I wanted it all and wasn;t giving up until I found inner peace. Over the last 5 years, I read numerous self help books, got involved in the National Stuttering Association (great organization,, started to use my fluency shaping tools and to my delight found they worked often. I had to practice and go for some additional speech therapy, but honestly practicing with others who used the same tools I did helped the most.

I can now pick up the phone without fear, go into a doctor's office and communicate, talk into a microphone and spread the word about stuttering treatment and work with wonderful clients who stutter. I still do stutter at times, but when I use my tools I am more fluent than not. I have no shame of stretching out a word or using an easy onset. It is so much better than stuttering. If I do stutter, I move on and don't beat myself up. This is what I can offer you as a speech therapist. I do recommend fluency shaping tools along with overcome feared situations. There is help available and I truly believe in therapy I provide. So, did I recover from stuttering, overcome stuttering or just find the right mix of what I feel works? Who knows what the right terminology is. What is important is what I have accomplished and what I have learned on this journey to help people who stutter become more fluent!! If that is your goal, it can be done!! Never give up!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My father stuttered and taught me how to fly!!!

Today I had lunch with my dad. It was a nice lunch. My parents spend half the year in Florida now and it is always difficult for me. I miss them alot and have always valued meeting my dad for lunch. I hadn't met him alone in a long time. Today I remembered how much his encouragement helped me deal with my stuttering. I had always heard stories of my dad stuttering severely when he was younger. He always said that his mother took him for speech therapy but the SLPs worked on articulation (difficulties with certain sounds). He says he never had articulation problems and never stuttered in speech therapy. I remember him stuttering every once in a while, but he worked as a pharmacist and I worked with him for years. I rarely heard him stutter. He said when he first started working, he had a difficult time talking to doctors. We rarely talked about stuttering. I remember when I would become fearful of looking for a summer job or talking in school, my father would say to just go for it and not worry about it. Sometimes it worked, other times not as much. He was and is a good role model. He stuttered (and I say that because I haven't heard him stutter in years) and didn't let it stop him. He encouraged me and believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. So I say my father taught me how to fly and is one of the reasons I am able to help so many people who stutter!! You are my inspiration and I love you!!

What is Cluttering?

Cluttering is often confused with stuttering, but it is different. Cluttering is a speech and communication disorder. Listeners find cluttered speech difficult to understand. It is characterized by a rapid speaking rate, affected prosodic features, poor grammar, and disordered language patterns. It is considered a fluency disorder and characterized by an irregular. rapid speech rate. Help is available for this disorder. If you need additional information, please contact me.

Teens who Stutter

I wanted to let everyone know about our next teen meeting (TWST) of the National Stuttering Association on Wed. July 15, 2009 at 7:30 pm in the Salzman Center at Hofstra University. Please e-mail me for more information or call 516-776-0184. This is a great place to meet others who stutter and/or practice your fluency tools.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

What is REBT? It was created by Albert Ellis in the 50's and is a form of psychotherapy. I have read alot about it ( and I think it can be applied to stuttering treatment. The goal of REBT is to change irrational beliefs into rational ones. I can't really do it justice in this short blog, but an example would be when I wouldn't talk on the phone with anyone present in the room. Why? because my fear was that if I stuttered and someone heard it I would feel like a failure. If I was alone and I stuttered, no one would know and I didn't have to admit the obvious. I was always looking for other people's approval. This belief led to anxiety, shame, guilt and an inability to use the fluency tools I had. Interestingly, when I stopped looking for the approval of others, my confidence increased as did my fluency. There is also a great book called, The Road Less Traveled which I highly recommend. There is also a new DVD out by the Stuttering Foundation of America ( called "Tools for Success" A Cognitive Behavior Therapy Taster".

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer intensive or group therapy

Please contact me if you are interested in summer or group therapy. With practice and support, you can DEFINITELY improve fluency. It takes committment and dedication and changing attitudes. Contact Lori in Plainview, NY 516-776-0184

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Speech Pathologist who is a recovering person who stutters? Is it possible?

Not only is it possible, the field of stuttering was started by speech paths who stutter? I so wish when I was younger that I had a speech pathologist who stuttered. No one can understand how difficult it is to not say your own name, to be laughed out while ordering or relate to the fear of talking.

I never thought when I was younger I would be able to be so grateful to have a trait that has enabled me to help so many others. I am grateful that I can talk to children, teens and adults who stutter and say "I know exactly what you are feeling" and help ia available. I can model what I teach and show that it is successful. I can also show that every once in a while I stutter and the world won't all apart. My hat goes off to all the speech pathologists who stutter. I recommend listening to, which is lead by Peter Reitzes, a SLP who stutters and Eric Jackson, a grad student who stutters. It is a great inspiration.

I also recommend you follow my website as I will be putting before and after video clips of myself. It is worth listening to. I have overcome fear and severe stuttering.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Nassau/Suffolk Long Island Stuttering Connection

Please help me connect people who stutter on Long Island. Please join For those of you don't know, I am a speech pathologist who specializes in stuttering therapy for children and adults who stutter. I overcame a severe stuttering disorder myself. Any questions, please e-mail me at

Intensive therapy offered this summer. Please inquire.

Pediatricians please refer early for children who stutter

I hope pediatricians and professionals realize the utmost importance of early interventon and preschool referring children who stutter to a SLP with expertise in stuttering. Although 80% of children reportedly outgrow stuttering on their own, there is no way for us to know which children will stop. Sometimes small changes in the child's environment are enough to facilitate fluency. Parent are often relieved after a visit to a stuttering specialist. There is a list of referrals of speech pathologists who specialize in stuttering on, the website of the Stuttering Foundation of America. Some quick suggestions when talking to a child who stutters are:
1. Maintain eye contact
2. Listen to the message not how it is said
3. Refrain from saying relax
4. Refrain from saying slow down
5. Try and insert pauses in your own speech to model a slower rate of speech
6. Comment instead of asking direct questions (ex: I wonder what you did in school today etc)

Some warning signs are: a history of stuttering in the family, stuttering for greater than 3 months, signs of struggle, prolongation of sounds, and refer immediately if a child stops talking, show signs of awareness or a parent appears very worried. Again, we have no way of telling which children will stop on their own.

I use Lidcombe for preschool children but developed P.A.C.E to add a parent counseling component. Please contact me with any comments or questions.

Good book on stuttering 5th grade student

I want to recommend a good book about a 5th grade student who stutters called Jason's secret. It was written by Ellen Marie-Silverman.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

SpeechEasy follow up provider

Just wanted to let everyone know I am a Janus SpeechEasy follow up provider and have been for about 2 years.
While I am not a direct provider, I am certainly available for follow up therapy and practice.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Does acceptance mean not striving for fluency enhancement?

Hi everyone-
I have come to realize that acceptance means different things to different people. To me,it means accepting that I might always stutter but practicing and never giving up my quest to improve. Why? because I like being as fluent as I can be. It is what I teach my clients (the more intensive the better-I will be offering more intensive courses so please inquire-for those of you who don't know I took the same course as John Stossel and Annie Glenn ). Also, an added tidbit-Annie Glenn went for years of speech therapy following her 3 week course in Virginia as did I. I follow a similar fluency shaping philosophy with a little attitude kicked in. I am hoping to be able to offer a group intensive in the future. I just need teens or adults who will commit. Anyway, I know others choose to stutter openly and accept in that way. My only concern is that the constant pushing of words out can be exhausting and with slight modifications this can be worked on. Thanks for reading and all questions or comments welcome. Have a good night! Also, thank you to all the parents, teens and grad students who attended our first annual TWST (Teens who stutter) support group meeting of the National Stuttering Association. We welcome all new members. It was a terrific group and I was honored to be a part of it. I want to also thank my co-leader Dr. Jason Davidow of Hofstra University and my adult co-leader Steven Kaufman for all their support and for reminding all of us that stuttering does not have to stop you from saying what you want!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fluency Shaping tools leading to increased fluency-it works!!

I have known many people who have benefited from fluency therapy with intensive fluency shaping courses. Besides me, I know other SLPs, an airline pilot, a nurse, a doctor, a DJ, musician and many others. It does take hard work, practice, and joining a practice group. It is great to have control. Some people think they sound different using slower prolonged type speech. You do!!!! But so what? If you can speak with less tension and stutter less, why not try it? It may not be for everyone, but it has worked for so many in my practice!!! I can also tell you after using it for so many years myself and working on reducing feared situations, I don't have to exxagerate as much anymore but I actually embrace feeling in control!! I try and offer some intensives over the summer and with enough interest I can offer groups!!!! Please contact me for more

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Open the suitcase and unpack-Stuttering baggage

I was just reading a post on a wonderful private practice list serve for speech pathologists. Someone described that an adult woman "stutterer" had been in therapy for years and wasn't progressing. It got me thinking how difficult it is to try and talk fluently. Another SLP wrote back about "change" and how difficult it is try and change the way you speak. In essence, as much as one might not like stuttering it defines them. So how did I do it?

How did I overcome a severe stuttering disorder? Do I have the magic? The answer is "no". I did it through unpeeling layers and layers of emotional baggage. I had to unpack the suitcase and lighten the baggage, BUT it started with intensive fluency shaping therapy and an intense desire to decrease stuttering. I remember being asked many years ago at a convention if there was a magic pill to be fluent, would I take it? My answer was always Yes, Yes, Yes!!

It takes years of practice, persistence, continuous speech therapy to decrease stuttering. The journey is long but has been worth it to me!!! Of course it would have been better to have worked on this baggage at the age of 6, but I didn't so I had to as an adult. Also, I have to say my parents always had the same expectations of me that they did for my brother, who does not stutter. I was never perceived as a stutterer in their eyes, so their support really helped me towards my goals.

Some words of encouragement if you find your fluency tools are not working:
Ask yourself:
Is this a feared situation?
Have I masssed practiced it?
If I have not had success before, why am I beating myself up now?
Am I too hard on myself?
What specifically in this situation is causing me so much fear?
Do I need more practice coordinating the muslce movements necessary for smooth connected speech?
Am I taking on residual air or comfortable diaphragmatic breathing?
Do I need the support of a speech pathologist?
Am I taking the time needed to go for speech therapy and practice?

Hope this helps. Please e-mail me at or visit my website at Also, if you are a grad student, please contact me if you have an interest in stuttering. Have a great day. Thanks for helping me unpack and spread the word that help is available. Also, look for my upcoming publication of "Teens and Stuttering" in a local parent magazine.

Friday, May 29, 2009

PROMPT speech therapy

I don't usually talk about PROMPT speech therapy on my stuttering blog, but since it is another specialty of mine I thought I would recommend it. It is wonderful for dyspraxia, articulation and oral motor issues.

National Stuttering Association convention July 9 to 12, Arizona

Hi all-
Just wanted to remind everyone of a wonderful convention sponsored by the National Stuttering Association (NSA) in Arizona. It is highly recommended for parents, children, teens, people who stutter, and SLPs (and students). Unfortunately I can't make it this year, but my first one was in 2007 in Atlanta. It changed my life. I met such wonderful people. Please check out their website

Also, please remember the NSA adult chapter meets the third Thursday of each month at 8 pm. I lead it along with a huge supporter of the NSA, Steven Kaufman.Please contact me at if interested. It is a great group of people who gather together to support each other.

Stuttering Education

Spreading stuttering awareness throughout the schools!! I went into Mattlin Middle School in Plainview, NY to promote National Stuttering Awareness Week (which was May 11 to May 17). I talked about the importance of early intervention for preschoolers who stutter, school aged stuttering and the importance of following your dreams in life. I spoke to 50 bright and wonderful children and their teachers. A few of them knew people who stutter. I never talked in this middle school. My daughter attends Mattlin and I graduated from the same school district. I never thought I would be so fluent or comfortable talking in front of a crowd. I never ever raised my hand in class or participated when I was younger. I sat with my head down and prayed no one would notice me. I am happy to say this was a very positive experience!! I have to thank the National Stuttering Association for helping me for overcoming my fear of public speaking.

So kids, always follow your heart and dreams. I overcame a severe stuttering problem to be a speech pathologist. I still stutter but use fluency shaping tools and stuttering education to be as fluent as I can be. I want to also thank my daughters who encouraged me to do this and for supporting me. They make me proud and give me strength. I also want to thank my daughter's teachers who realized the importance of stuttering awareness and promoting tolerance. I would like to continue this at local schools and universities!! Hope to hear from everyone soon!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

P.A.C.E. Towards Fluency- NEW Preschool Program

Watch for NEW preschool program-very effective results:

P.A.C.E. Towards Fluency

Effective resuls-taken from Lidcombe program and modified:
Please go onto Yahoo groups:

Looking for grad SLP students to help promote stuttering awareness-contact
Thank you all for your support and reading my posts!!

My 11 year old daugher helps spread the word about National Stuttering Awareness Week

This post is dedicated to my 11 year old daughter, Leah, who is such a leader and a warm compassinate child. (Afterall she is vice president of the 5th grade class) and Pamela Mertz, a career counselor who considers herself a covert PWS. I consider her a wonderful woman with incredible strength. Pam put herself out there in the schools and promoted National Stuttering Awareness Week, May 11 to May 17. I showed my daughter the clip. She immediately went to her school the next day and told her teacher that her mom who is a SLP and PWS wanted to come in and educate the class. How wonderful for an 11 year old to not have any shame in her mom coming in and was proud that her mom stuttered and could educate her friends and classmates. I am going in this weekand want to thank these two wonderful people for their encouragement and support. I also want to thank Mrs. Consiglio for telling Leah she would be honored to have her mother come in and realized the importance of this for both myself, Leah and the stuttering community.

Can adults who stutter be helped after years of failed therapy?

Hi all-
It's been a busy time of year so I apologize for not being in touch. I have received many calls from teens and adults lately who have felt they were failed by therapy. I understand their hesitance in trying new approaches or wanting to shell out more money in this tough economy. So why are so many us filled with anger or even more upsetting, why have so many of us given up on speech therapy? I went to a conference the other night. They talked about acceptance but very little speech therapy. Why??? Why has the pendulum swung so far the other way that effective speech therapy wouldn't be presented? I guess only those of us who stutter know why.

First, let's remind anyone reading this that stuttering CANNOT be cured, BUT it can be decreased without a doubt. Fluency can be achieved, how much depends on several factors. I will list what I feel they are here: (Please feel free to e-mail me at if you know additional reasons why and I will add them on)

1. How much practice you are willing to put into it.
2. How invested you are in speech therapy, both economically and emotionally.
3. How effected you are cognitively by your stuttering? (and this can be worked on as well)
4. How much you are willing to be open minded and realize that many people who stutter have achieved a much greater level of fluency and effective communication skills.
5. How much you can let go of the anger of failed therapy and wasted money.
6. How much you let go of the fact that 100% fluency is not a realistic goal.
7. How much you can accept the fact you stutter and then move on towards becoming more fluent.

I have done all of this. Not easily, but using strength from the bottom of my soul, from parents who never gave up and told me to accept, from a dear friend Lisa Anderson who is a SLP and PWS. She taught me courage, unconditional friendship and strength beyond words (they failed her three times in public speaking in college because she stuttered and she never stopped trying).

All I can say is that I can help you too. Please Please don't give up if you haven't achieved this and don't beat yourself up for not doing it. We all have challenging things in our life to work on. Stuttering is difficult because we wear it on our sleeves and ignorant people judge us. For ex: I am still battling losing weight. If you are a person who stutters who has decided to use only stuttering modification strategies, then you have my respect. BUT if you are like me and have always wanted to talk with as little stuttering as possible, then I can only say I understand.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lidcombe: Preschool Program for Early Childhood Stuttering

I hope everyone joins to hear success stories. I have seen such wonderful success with the program. I developed P.A.C.E. to incorporate parent counseling along with aspects of Lidcombe!! Many of these kids are now stutter free! Wonderful preschool intervention.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lost in Silence

Recently I was asked how I got over avoiding the phone and other fears that I had. It is so hard to answer that because it was a combination of things. People have asked if I provide therapy that deals with this management of fears. Yes, of course I do. I have lived this life. I was so lost in silence for years and felt like I was failing myself. I stopped complaining about practicing and just did it. I made myself answer the phone, speak in meetings and talk to doctors. I stopped filling my gas tank up and starting saying "fill it up" (as long it wasn't more money for full serve). In other words, I mattered and I didn't want to be lost in silence anymore. Was it easy? NO!! Did it happen overnight? NO!!! It was pure torture and many times I wanted to run away. However, I am here to tell you it got easier and it will for you too. It's important to know others who stutter. I have known my friend Lisa for almost 30 years. She stutters also and she has been my rock!! She has always inspired me and we have always been able to call each other if we have a bad day or to practice.

I would love to hear from all of you regarding your fears and stuttering.

Also, I have availability for two teens to work on fluency management together. I find this is cost effective and helps with practice. As most of you know, I am trying hard to reach out to the younger population. Please e-mail if interested.

Monday, March 9, 2009

National Stuttering Support Groups-Kids and Teens

Hi all-
Dr. Jason Davidow and I are trying to figure out the best day to start our support and practice group for kids and teens who stutter. Any suggestions would be appreciated. We are also in need of parents to help and serve as a co-leader. Please e-mail me if you are interested. Our first meeting is June 4, 2009 at Hofstra University. All teens who stutter and their families are welcome. Jason and I are both SLPs who stutter. Together we are strong!!! Please contact Lori at if interested.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Saying Your Name and Reducing Anxiety

Many of you have e-mailed me directly sharing your experiences saying your name. I want to thank all of you for sharing with me and being so open. Many have you said you run out of the room for fear of sounding different or being perceived as "stupid". I hear you and have been there. So what do we do about this?

I think we have to acknowledge that fear is an emotion. It is a very real emotion, but it can be paralyzing. You really need your fluency tools in these situations to not stutter, but the anxiety has to be addressed to allow the tools to be able to be effectively used. I would start by asking yourself how you feel after you flee? Do you feel better or do you still have that dreaded anxiety? Try and disassociate yourself from the event. In other words, visualize the event and remove yourself as if you were a spectator watching. Wouldn't you want that person to stay and be a part of the group? Would you laugh at someone else if they said they stutter and to bear with them as they try and use their fluency tools? People laugh out of ignorance. They don't know about stuttering and many people have never met anyone who stutters. I am not forgiving the laughter or strange expressions, but the education about stuttering may lead to empowerment on your part.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I want to hear from all of you!!!!!

Please post to my e-mail directly I would like to hear from you any suggestions for adults, kids, teens. Any questions from SLPs gladly answered. I would love to chat. My e-mail is Website is

Monday, February 23, 2009

Speecheasy follow up help

I am available to work with you using your speecheasy device. I am a certified follow up SLP. I don't dispense the device but will help you use it with therapy if you have it.

Do I say my name or run out of the room?

So you are sitting in a circle in school or at a business meeting, the teacher/presenter says, "Let's go around the room and introduce ourselves". Most stutterers want to hide. How many of us can't say our name in this situation? I was the expert on going to the bathroom during this time, having to make a phone call or faking a coughing spell. Anything and I mean anything to get out of the room. Sometimes it worked and they skipped me, but I usually felt deep shame inside. I felt invisible. So what are my options now.? The first is to continue to remain invisible. The second is to voluntary stutter and let the cat out of the bag, ex: my my my name is Lori. The third is to try and breathe and use my tools. I would choose # 3 first and then revert to #2 if I really panicked. I would recommend to conquer the fear. It gets easier. Ask yourself, if I stutter, what would happen? Would anyone really care? If you said, bear with me I stutter sometimes and then said your name, wouldn't most people be understanding? Is it worse to face the fear head on or escape? This is why it is soooo important to practice your tools when your don't need it, so you have it under stressful times.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Practice Group for older teens and Adults Feb. 26, 2009

Attention all my fellow people who stutter who want to work on fluency-Let me help you! Monthly practice group for current clients and graduates of Hollins, AIS, and my intensive or weekly programs. Great opportunity to practice targets with others and improve fluency in my Plainview office. 8 to 9:30 $20 payable at door. Please RSVP to

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Basic Information on Stuttering-Preschool Review

HI all-
Thanks for reading my blog. I have been asked several questions by parents of preschoolers who stutter. Some basic facts (which can also be looked up on my website, and

More boys stutter than girls
There is often a genetic component
Approx. 75-80% will stop stuttering before age 3
Stuttering for more than 5 months is a risk factor
Presence of struggle and awareness is a risk factor
Presence of the Schwa vowel is a risk factor (ex: tu instead of two)
Any change in pitch is a risk factor
Although parents DO NOT cause stuttering, there are several ways to modify the environment to facilitate fluent speech

These are only a short list, please consult me or above references for more info. It is VITAL to consult a SLP who specializes in Fluency Disorders. I am presently awaiting board approval for the distinguished title of BRS-FD (Board Recognition Specialist in Fluency Disorders). I have read in excess of 100 hours of cont. education related to fluency, observed specialists in the field, been mentored by a terrific SLP, Dr. Donna Cooperman, who is an ASHA Fellow. The requirements are rigorous. Also, I stutter myself and am recovering. Please don't wait if you suspect your child is stuttering.

An example:
For the first time in 17 years, I received an early intervention referral through the department of Health. This was a 2 year 6 month old little boy struggling to speak. He stuttered so severely from approximately the age of 2. Stuttering ran in the family. He was initially denied EI services as EI deals mainly with delayed language. This family fought for the service and got it. It has been wonderful. We have all worked to modify the environment and employ a few other strategies. In two months, he is still stuttering, but with MUCH LESS severity. He is not struggling as much and saying what he wants. So nice to see!

Friday, February 13, 2009

International, out of state and therapy on the computer

Please contact me. I can do this for fluency therapy and would be more than happy to work with you, via webcam. or 516-776-0184, contact Lori. Can't wait to hear from you!!

Apple I touch, I phone, Ipod-Great for practice-School aged kids and adults

HI all-
As most of you know, I am still in the learning process of technology. I learn more from the teenagers everyday. I am starting a podcast that anyone can download for practice. I am also developing follow up therapy via the computer for anyone who has a camera on the computer. It will be more affordable for long term therapy. I encourage this for the international and out of state clients especially. Ideally, face to face therapy is best, but for those who can't do this for logistics or financial reasons, there are other options available. Please contact me either via phone 516-776-0184 or e-mail tks PS Any updates on technology is always appreciated!!

The Speech Easy

I recently have gotten several calls inquiring about the speech easy device by Janus. I know two people who had it following intensive speech therapy. One was a doctor and considered it a tool in his box, so to speak. The other was a psychologist who wore it consistently for two years and then weaned himself off it after practicing every day. Many people have told me they can't wear it because of the buzz in their ear. My fear as a person who stutters is that many people are buying it and assuming it is a miracle cure. It is not and please don't be fooled by the reports from Oprah. I have never tried it because I don't stutter severely anymore and honestly it is very expensive!! I also think I can achieve the same results with you by slowing down your speech in therapy to a rate where you can't possibly stutter. Of course, this is something you can't wear but can record on the Apple I touch or Apple I phone, from what the teenagers have told me.

Even if you purchase it, therapy is needed along with it. I would be happy to work with anyone who has it. Just please be careful when purchasing it that it is something you are planning to consistently wear. I would not recommend it for kids. I know one family of an 8 year old who tried it for a month. Their son wouldn't wear it and luckily they could bring it back. He is doing beautifully in fluency therapy now. It is very expensive so please think and research its effectiveness before buying it. I would be happy to help you with this. Also, please remember that I offer student discounts for intensive therapy. Thanks for reading this! Have a good day! Hopefully my website will be back and running today after it is uopdated.

Remember, there is help out to improve fluency. Stuttering can be menaged and your communication skills can be improved. I did this and so can you!! Don't wait to get help!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Intensive Therapy vs weekly therapy for stuttering

Many of you have asked me what the difference is between short term intensive therapy with long term follow up vs. weekly therapy. I can say I have seen both have positive effects on fluency. Generally, the more severe the stuttering, the more intensive the therapy. I say why stutter severely if you can learn how to be more fluent and manage stuttering in everyday life? For me, intensive therapy with long term follow up worked. For others, weekly therapy is preferred.

How can I help you? I can help you learn how to help you coordinate your breathing. I can help you connect your words. I can help you not let stuttering control you. I can help you become more fluent!!!!,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A success story of a 15 year old teen who stutters

Tonight I received a wonderful message from a mom of a 15 year old who stutters. Her son has been working hard at his fluency both in therapy and outside of the therapy room. He is a bright boy who communicates well whether he stutters or not. Of course, like all of us, he would prefer not to. He doesn't let stuttering stand in his way. Today he decided to join the radio station which means he will speak on the air. His mother was so proud of him and so was I!!! To all the teens out there, remember how important your message is. Keep working hard at your speech goals! It is paying off! Have a good night!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Groups now forming for school aged and teens

Groups are now forming for school aged kids and teens who stutter. Please contact me ASAP. Also, this is a long shot, but it is worth mentioning for school aged children. Sometimes, but rarely, if a school SLP recommends a fluency specialist, you can request outside services through the CSE. I know this happens in Queens as I am a direct provider for Queens as well. I would be happy to servie your child. I am conveniently located off the LIE. Please contact or My number is 516-776-0184.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fluency workshop Feb 8 2009 for Adults who stutter and older teens

Hi All-
I want to wish everyone a late happy New Year!! Please keep Feb. 8 2009 in mind if you are an adult who stutters. ($50) 2 to 5 in Plainview. An introduction to Fluency Shaping and a mini refresher for adults who stutter and older teens. It will be great to learn basics of fluency shaping and meet others who stutter. I am now offering group therapy for school aged children and teens. I find not only is it cost effective, but increases chances for practice and socialization. Intensives continue to be offered for adults also in groups when feasible. Parents of children ages 3 to 5, remember to have your child evaluated through the schools to possibly have the cost of therapy covered for fluency, prompt, articulation and language.

I know many people are feeling the stress of the economy which can also affect fluency and communication. I find it helpful to take full, comfortable breaths and pause often. Also, try and practice with others who stutter. I talked to a fellow NSA member tonight and it really helped my fluency-thanks Steven! Have a good night and please e-mail me at 516-776-0184 if you are interested in the workshop. Stay warm my friends.