Saturday, December 5, 2009

Covert Stuttering

I want to recommned a terrific, insightful and honest blog started by a woman named Pam Mertz, whom I first met a National Stuttering Association conference a few years back. She started a blog on covert stuttering ( and a yahoo group) that has taught me so much about covert stuttering. Although I stuttered too severely early on to be called a covert person who stutters, I was always trying to deny the fact that I stuttered. It was only when I became truly honest with my self that I was able to accept myself and use fluency tools. Hence, my fluency dramatically improved as did my self acceptance.

Read it, you will be hooked:

1 comment:

Pam said...

Thanks so much. I really appreciate the mention. It is incredibly important to me to keep peeling off the layers and sharing with others.
It helps me when I know someone else is helped or moved or touched.