Sunday, June 29, 2008

National Stuttering Association Convention 2008

I returned home from the NSA convention in NJ. I am filled with emotions on so many levels. First, I presented for the second time at the convention. It is truly a miracle that I was able to get up there in front of an audience and speak. Who would have thought a one time severe stutterer who couldn't say her name or answer the phone could speak in front of parents and professionals? This year I was lucky to present with Dr. Jason Davidow of Hofstra University. He is a SLP and PWS as well. There is something remarkable about presenting with another PWS who has similar fears as myself. I think the talk went well!! Did we stutter? Yes, but we communicated so well and tried the best we could under stress to use our tools. Secondly, I am in awe of the children and teens who can put on plays and talk in front of a room filled with mainly adults and express themselves so beautifully despite their stuttering. They have so much courage and I admire them. I hope anyone reading this who stutters knows that we can accept the fact that we stutter while still working on effective communication skills. There is help available for those who choose the road to improving fluency in their lives! Thank you again to the NSA for helping me overcome my fear of public speaking. A message to the kids-always always always believe in yourself. Dreams really do come true!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A great inspirational quote

Last night my 10 year old moved up from elementary school to middle school. Congratulations Leah! I am proud of your accomplishments in elementary school. You are beautiful and definitely are the best singer in school. Anyway, one of the administrators started off his speech with the following quote:
"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it." He didn't say who originally said this so it might be anonymous.
I thought this was a fabulous quote especially for the child who is unsure of her/himself. I vividly remember thinking in 7th or 8th grade that I couldn't be a teacher or a social worker if I stuttered. ( speech pathology wouldn't have even entered my mind because of my own difficulties). Hence, I chose business for 5 years before I became a speech pathologist. I thought I could easily hide. I was wrong! You can't hide from yourself. These thoughts are so damaging to the school aged child or teen who stutters. I often probe school aged kids/teens what they think they will be when they grow up. We talk in a fun way about PWS who work in settings that require excellent communication. Guess what? I know many people who are not fluent, for example: Senator Joseph Biden, James Earl Jones, and Johnny Damon of the NY Yankees. Kids are so great and when you connect with them, many truly open up and shine.
BTW-Congratulations Samantha also for moving up to high school. I am so proud of you both!! Congratulations to all the children I treat who have had the courage to work hard on their stuttering and have demonstrated courage and determination. You make me proud!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lidcombe parent support

I want to encourage all parents of children in the Lidcombe program or interested in to please join It is a new Yahoo group I started to connect parents of children who stutter.

I also am in the process of offering refreshers for those who are graduate of Precision Fluency Shaping Program and other therapies. I hope teens and adults especially realized that there is nothing to be ashamed about brushing up on your therapy. I still do and always will.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Where are the questions?

I hope people who read this realize I would be happy to answer any questions you have concerning stuttering for preschool, school aged, and adults who stutter. If you can't tell by this blog, stuttering therapy is my passion. I can also answer questions on PROMPT therapy and articulation issues. I want to thank everyone who has called me and told me how much they have learned from reading my blog. I also want to encourage school clinicians to contact me for any advice or suggestions.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The National Stuttering Association-Lidcombe

I am completing my presentation on the Lidcombe Program for early childhood stuttering. I am hoping parents consider this as an option for their child's therapy. I have witnessed a very high success rate. It is important to seek out a Lidcombe trained speech language pathologist in your area.

Friday, June 20, 2008

National Stuttering Association

Hi all-
Sorry for the long time between posts. I am presenting at the National Stuttering Association in NJ Sat, the 28th on the Lidcombe program for early childhood stuttering. I am presenting with Dr. Davidow from Hofstra University. Hope many people can come. It is great for families and children who stutter as well. I am in the process of starting practice groups for adults who stutter to practice fluency shaping tools. If anyone is interested, please call or e-mail me ( I also am offering speech therapy on an as needed basis for graduates of intensive fluency shaping courses.