Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fluency Coaches

Atttention all school aged children 9 and older and teens who stutter. We are now starting fluency coaches. This is where a child or teen who has been in speech therapy with me for 4 months or more becomes a mentor to another child starting out. It will help with fluency practice, confidence in speaking in general and support. We will be assigning our first coaches this week. Look forward to having more teens and children who stutter join this program. Please post a comment if you have any thoughts or questions on stuttering in general.


Pam said...

THis is very similiar to the teen mentoring program that Friends started some time ago. You really should be collorborating with Lee. Perhaps you could do a workshop for kids or teens at next year's Friends convention. It will be in Chicago!

Lori Melnitsky said...

Actually I think it is a different focus. This is for graduates or near graduates of my fluency program that meet certain criteria that I set. It is similar to a mentoring program but there are guidelines that have to be followed. It is a big deal to be awarded the title of "fluency coach" in my practice. tks for the comment.